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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

I Suffer From Headaches

Suffering From Frequent Headaches?

Have you experienced headaches for a long time? Are your headaches affecting your quality of life? Are you tired of taking medication constantly for your headaches? Looking for a fast and sustainable treatment that could leave you headache-free? There is an option to treat your chronic headaches that is medication-free and non-invasive.

headaches and vertigo

Understanding Their Differences

What Are Headaches?

Headaches commonly have a negative impact on our patients who experience them. They come with a range of neurological and physical symptoms, meaning they are experienced differently by every sufferer, Typically, they will affect adults aged between 20-50, but they can be experienced across the whole lifespan. Because there are over 300 different types of headache presentations, it is important that you get properly assessed and diagnosed, in order to get the best treatment for you.

Migraine and tension-type headaches are the most common headache types, having a huge impact on the public health system 1. Both of these are considered the third highest cause of disability across the world, with migraines having a world-wide prevalence of 14.7% 2. The prevalence of migraines is higher than that of asthma, epilepsy and diabetes combined 3.

The 7 million tension-type headache sufferers and 4.9 million migraine sufferers in Australia have a direct and indirect cost of $35.7 billion annually 4,5. Additionally, it is estimated that 4 out of 5 Australians have experienced a headache or migraine in the past year 4,5.

Receiving expert assessment, advice and treatment for your chronic headaches and migraines is essential for your recovery.

symptoms-of Headache

Symptoms You May Experience

How To Define Your Headache

  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Upset stomach
  • Sensitive to light, sound or smell
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Disturbed concentration
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping

About The Assessment Stage

What To Expect During The Assessment

1. Comprehensive and in-depth examination

We will perform a thorough and in-depth examination to identify all of the factors that may be related to your headaches and migraines. We will focus particularly on your upper cervical spine in our assessment.

2. Ligamental stability and vertebral arterial tests

In order to ensure the highest level of safety is maintained, we routinely will assess the stability of the important ligaments in your upper cervical spine, prior to any assessment or treatment.

3. Temporarily reproduce your headache and migraine symptoms

During our assessment and treatment process, we will be applying gentle and specific pressure to your upper cervical spine in order to temporarily reproduce your headache symptoms. This helps us to identify the specific cause of your headaches.

Common Headache Types

Cervicogenic Headache

Cervicogenic Headache is caused by the dysfunction of structures in the upper neck, classing it as a secondary headache. The discs, muscles and joints in the upper three joints of the neck are able to cause head pain via their connection to the brainstem. Sensory information from these structures converges at the brainstem with sensory information from the head and face. The miscommunication of this sensory information, causes pain to be felt in the head as a response to dysfunctional sensory information from the cervical spine.

Pain will generally be one-sided and is associated with stiffness and a loss of range of motion in the neck. Sufferers of cervicogenic headaches can also experience; dizziness, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting.

Modern research suggests that sensitivities in the brainstem are involved with cervicogenic headaches, however this is often overlooked in treatment.

Chronic Daily Headache

Up to 80% of the Gold Coast population are affected by Chronic Daily Headache. Chronic Tension-Type Headache, New Daily Persistent Headache, Chronic Migraine and Hemicrania Continua are the four most common types of Chronic Daily Headache. Headaches are often mild-moderate in severity, and can include the symptoms of migraine headache and tension-type headache. By definition, these headaches are experienced more days than not, over a period of three months or longer.

Dysfunction in the upper cervical spine, and sensitivities in the brainstem, are now known as the underlying causes of these chronic headaches. Despite this knowledge, the true causes are often overlooked in treatment plans.

Cluster Headache

While they are rare, Cluster headaches still affect people in the Gold Coast region. Affecting just 0.1% of the population, they have been described as the most severe and debilitating headache type. Cluster Headaches are typically experienced at night, or at regular times during the day. Each attack can last up to 3 hours before stopping. Sufferers will experience these attacks for long periods of time before they stop for a period of remission.

Cluster headache sufferers will experience very severe pain in a small area of the head, commonly around the eyes or temple. As well as pain, people can have; droopy eyelids, red or watery eyes, blocked or congested noses and constricted pupils. The severity of pain and debilitating nature of cluster headaches has led to them aptly being labelled as suicide headaches.

Despite the severity, there are treatment options.

Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome

While Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome is most commonly seen in children aged 3-7, it is possible for it to occur in the adult population. It involves bouts of very intense vomiting and abdominal pain, that are followed by remissions without any symptoms at all. These attacks typically involve several vomiting episodes each hour, lasting between hours and days.

The pattern and presentation of Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome means that it is classified as a migraine condition. Studies have also shown that children who suffer from Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome have a higher prevalence of migraines later in life.

While Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome is often mis-diagnosed and mis-treated, there is an effective treatment option!

Hormonal Headache

Hormones are reported to be a common cause of migraines for females on the Gold Coast. 60% of female migraineurs experience migraines with their menstrual cycle, while 14% will only experience their symptoms at this time. Similar to other migraine types, symptoms include; nausea, vomiting, photo-sensitivity, phono-sensitivity and osmo-phobia.

Despite the timing and frequency of Hormonal Migraines, research has shown that there is no difference in hormone levels between sufferers and non-sufferers. As well as this, treatments like Hormone Replacement Therapy have been shown to have little to no effect on Hormonal Migraines. In these cases, sensitivities in the brainstem may be the true underlying cause.

Occipital Neuralgia

The occipital nerve originates in the upper cervical spine and provides sensory information to large parts of the skull and face. Occipital Neuralgia is caused by compression or irritation of different branches of the occipital nerve, resulting in pain. Aberrant blood vessels, osteophytes at cervical joints and growths like carcinomas are common causes of the nerve irritation that results in Occipital Neuralgia.

Symptoms commonly include; a sharp piercing pain along an occipital nerve branch, skin sensitivity, eye pain and nausea. Many patients report pain with simple activities, like brushing their hair.

A structural cause isn’t found in many of the patients that we see at Gold Coast Headache & Migraine Clinic.

Sinus Headache

Located behind your eyes, nose and cheeks, your sinuses are a series of cavities designed to promote air-flow and clear out pathogens by draining mucous. When the sinuses become inflamed, there is an over-production of mucous. This often will happen in response to the introduction of a pathogen, like dust or pollen, into the body. The pressure caused by this inflammation can cause pain felt in the head or face, known as a sinus headache.

Symptoms are often felt bilaterally, and will be associated with; a blocked or runny nose, watery eyes and pressure felt in the sinuses.
Many of Sinus Headache Patients that we see at Gold Coast Headache & Migraine Clinic, experience symptoms with very limited pathogen involvement. In these cases, we assess the brainstem to see if it is the true cause.

Tension Type Headache

The most common headache type, world-wide, is Tension-Type Headache. Research has shown a world-wide prevalence of up to 86%, and 7 million Australians suffer from tension-type headaches. Pain is often felt on both sides of the head and is described as a tightening or a squeezing around the head. People who experience tension-type headaches can also experience photo-phobia and phono-phobia.

Tension-Type Headaches can be categorised according the frequency that they are experienced. Episodic Tension-Type Headaches are experienced less than 15 days in a calendar month. While Chronic Tension-Type Headaches are experienced on more than 15 days in a moth, for longer than three consecutive months.

Despite the high prevalence worldwide, most treatments are ineffective in the long run.

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a condition that is brought on by seemingly normal activities, like; chewing, talking and brushing your teeth. Symptoms include a sharp and shooting pain on one side of the face, and sensitivity along branches of the trigeminal nerve. Trigeminal Neuralgia can be experienced extremely frequently due to the low threshold for attacks, some sufferers may even experience 50 attacks per day.

Classic Trigeminal Neuralgia refers to when the nerve roots of the trigeminal nerve are compressed by blood vessels close to the brainstem. While Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia is when another medical condition is the cause, like multiple sclerosis or tumours. Most of the patients we see at Gold Coast Headache & Migraine Clinic don’t have either of these presentations, and have what is called Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Whiplash Headache

Whiplash is a common injury reported after car accidents, or as a result if sporting or diving incidents. Classically, it will involve a deceleration mechanism, causing strain the muscles, joints and discs in the spine. Whiplash injuries can be complex in nature, due to the wide area that can be affected and the different structures involved. It is common for headaches to be reported in whiplash injuries, due to dysfunction caused in the upper cervical spine.

Many different types of headache are caused by whiplash, including; migraine, tension-type headache and cervicogenic headache. The length of time that someone has been experiencing these headaches can help to classify them. ‘Acute whiplash Headaches’ have been experienced within three months of a whiplash injury. While ‘persistent whiplash headaches’ have lasted for longer than three months.

The appropriate treatment must address the true cause of your headaches or migraines.

Why Clients Come To Us

Our Prevent Headaches4Life Plan

We only treat those headache and migraine sufferers who have gone through our unique assessment procedure, and who we determine are suitable for treatment – approximately 85-90% of those we assess. This approach ascertains a high likelihood of success.

Your first 6 session is all that it takes to notice a significant change towards you headache and migraine condition regardless of whether you have suffered from +20 years of chronic headaches and migraines, or whether an acute condition has recently developed.

Tools for managing migraines.

What our clients have said

Andrea Duffy
After being diagnosed with Sunct Trigeminal Neuralgia I was seeking treatment without drugs. After 2 months of treatments with Kevin I'm now pain free. Well worth the effort for a fantastic result, thanks team.
Sarah Jane
Seeing Doug & the team at BHMC has really changed my life, and I’m really grateful for the ongoing care and support. I used to think I had bad vertigo & I would feel dizzy and faint and light headed and nauseous all day everyday and couldn’t work, couldn’t do housework, couldn’t walk my dog, could barely stay standing to shower all because I had been walking around with an unaligned c2 &c3 in my neck due to years of bad posture and constantly hunching over at my desk at work or my head down looking at my phone all day. Migraines 2-3 times a week, constantly feeling pressure in my head and sharp pain, unable to sleep a full nights sleep, and not reacting well at all to prescription medications like valium, replax, and others. I finally got health insurance and headed into BHMC and in the 1st consultation, I was advised of a detailed diagnosis and knew I was in the right place to get help. I’d been struggling everyday for over a year with migraines, had to quit jobs, and was mentally struggling due to these physical symptoms, it was awful. I really wish i’d gone to get physio sooner! Please go and see BHMC, I have been in physio for less than 6 months (probably 10-15 appointments) and have never felt better and more stable. If you go here, try the sessions, buy the pillow, sit up straight, do the exercises, I promise you’ll be better off! Doug has been amazing & so professional, he really knows what hes doing. All the office team is lovely as well!
Samuel Cox
I have been seeing Dr. Woo for about 6 months now and he has been helping me manage my migraines fantastically.
I used to get on average 2 migraines a month, now I have gone 4 months with no migraines.

The cause of my migraines was very quickly diagnosed and its clear the team here prioritise the goal of self management, not the reliance on medication and continuous appointments.

Can recommend to anyone who suffers from Chronic Migraines, it may well be a life changer for you.
Han Wang
My headache problem has been lasting for many years and I suffer from it more frequently from the last 18 months. The quality of my life before treatment was affected tremendously. I simply couldn't enjoy lots of activities when headache attacks occur.
I started my headache treatment from the last few weeks and it has been very effective. It is very obvious to how I feel around my neck before and after the treatment. I haven't had any headache episode since.
I highly recommend this clinic and the physician named Douglas. He is courteous, gentle, very caring and most amazingly very knowledgeable and skillful. He was able to diagnose my headache issue and provide detailed explainations about my treatment plan and future preventative guidance.
I wish I had found this clinic earlier and for anyone who is suffering from headaches you should definitely give it a go.
Overall it's a nice and clean clinic, easy public transport and parking. Helpful and friendly admin staff too.
Thank you Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic Sunnybank Hills.
Celeste Cover
My healthy 7yr old son out of blue started having debilitating migraines about a year ago. Being a nurse I ensured we ruled out anything nasty by doing MRI and seeing specialist. But we kept getting no definitive answer as to why they were reoccuring. Being so young treatment options are limited until 12yrs of age and every episode we would end up at the emergency department with then specialist follow up appointments.

Something had to change. I then came across a fellow work colleague (GP) whom referred me to Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic. My son has been seeing David now at the spring hill clinic for over 2mnths, where he has worked absolute wonders. My son has had no episodes of a migraine to date yet.

David also ensure he educates his clients during the appointment, follows up with exercises and resources for you to use at home as well, easy management plans and a diary to track and see patterns as to why a migraine maybe triggered.

I would highly recommend these clinics to anyone suffering. The amount of knowledge and expertise by the staff is amazing.

I will always be praising them for the help with my son.
Sahan Amarasena
I have been seeing Sascha for about 3 weeks now. Thanks to Sascha, I have gone from 4-5 headaches a week to being headache free for over a week now. He is very knowledgeable and was quick to diagnose my problem. The treatment plan has been very clear and easy to follow at home. We have addressed all factors that are contributing to my headaches and I am confident of keeping my headaches under control thanks to the tools Sascha has taught me. Highly impressed with the team. They have been very professional, friendly and helpful throughout and been impressed with their customer service. Highly recommend these guys if you are someone who has been suffering with headache for a long time like myself.
Ana Uppman
Mattias and the staff at the clinic are wonderfully helpful and friendly. Mattias in particular helped me to manage chronic headaches and sinus effectively and naturally which has provided a huge amount of pain relief to me especially after so many years of discomfort. Thank you so much Mattias and staff.
Jesse Tamblyn
Diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis, quickly turned into vestibular migraines of a hellish level. I was hallucinating constantly, pretty much 24/7 for a entire year. With no regular symptoms of a migraine other than extreme light sensitivity, my doctor ordered all the tests, nothing was helping.

After a few sessions with Sasch I have zero symptoms and none of my previous triggers are triggering any hallucinations/migraines.

Sasch is increadibly skilled at what he does and is very passionate about his clients. I am forever in a debt of gratitude.
kynan jones
I have had cluster headaches on and off for two years now and have had no clue what to do about it, I stumbled across Brisbane migraine and headache clinic, decided to give it a go and I could not be happier with the results from Mattias. My symptoms have dropped by an easy 90% and I can enjoy my days again.
Thank you Mattias and thank you Brisbane migraine and headache clinic.
Carter Bennett
So far my treatment at the Headache and Migraine clinic has been very helpful. As someone who experiences migraines often enough, I can say with confidence that after only a few months of treatment with practictioner Mattias, the frequency and severity has been reduced. Still a ways to go till Im migraine free, but I can say with confidence that this very interesting form of treatment works.
David is really wonderful and he is a magician. I've been suffering from migraine headaches for past three years after I met David, and his treatment is like a miracle. I've been on treatment for five weeks now and haven't had any headaches.

Thank you heaps
Rachel de Vera
Best place to overcome your headache pain. This clinic will give you treatment to make your life free from migraine.
Luke Shanley
Ariel from Brisbane Migraine & Headache clinic was the only person that actually helped with my migraines. After seeing doctors & neurologists to no avail i decided to give it a go. I'm able to see friends, nieces & nephews again and working full time. This seemed impossible just over 2 months ago when I first started treatment. Gave me my life back.
Danielle Raftopoulos
I've seen Ariel for neck, back and knee pain/ injuries in the past. She does an excellent job with releasing muscles through dry needling and acupuncture which has relieves pain. Ariel provides exercises to do at home which are helpful. I've also seen all the other physios at the clinic. Highly recommend it.
Pawan Sandhu
I was suffering with bad migraine from last 13 years. Then I heard about Brisbane headache centre. I consulted with Dominic he is very professional and nice Physio. He find out the triggers and started my treatment since i seen him first till now I haven't had any headaches. I highly recommend people if you suffering with headache and migraine please go and consult with the team.
Thanks Dominic.
Brooke O'kell
I have had an amazing experience with Ariel at the clinic. I went there in horrific pain after been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia and I was taking 12 nerve pain tablets a day. The clinic was recommended to me by a friend and I'm so glad I gave them a try because now after a couple of months I am pain free and down to one nerve tablet a day. It's hard to explain really how grateful I really am now to be spending Christmas with my family pain free after not been able to leave the house without crying in pain. I'm would give them 100 stars if I could and I've already recommended Ariel to some friends who suffer migraines. Thank you for everything Ariel your an amazing and lovely lady who really changed my life.
Cathy Biles
I have suffered from migraines for 30 years and I have found that the treatment that I am having at Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic is the most effective way I’ve found in preventing a migraine. I have been having treatment with Mattias for around 4 months, and at this stage I still do get some migraines, but they are getting a lot less frequent than they were before I started having treatment. Mattias is very understanding and explains each step of the treatment very thoroughly.
Candy Beanland
Dominic is a very polite person who has helped me a great deal with my migraine headaches. I am very grateful to him.
Emma Zonca
I've had a great experience being treated by Dominic. I was recently diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia and my symptoms have now massively reduced. The care and education I have received have been excellent. All staff have been welcoming and very lovely to deal with since my first appointment. I highly recommend Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic.
Ebony Smith
I've been receiving treatment from Mattias for a little over two months now and I cannot recommend this practice enough!!!
I have been struggling with Migraine headaches and terrifying aura symptoms for 10+ years and have tried absolutely everything (from medications, diets, all sorts of treatments and multiple specialist/neurologist appointments) in order to eliminate, ease or simply manage the pain.
Thank you to Mattias and the wonderful team at Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic for listening to my struggles with pain, understanding my issues, applying the right treatment that my body was receptive to...and most importantly.... they gave me a free jar of mints! What a DEAL!
10/10 recommend.
Cassandra Guse
2 months ago debilitating migraines were driving me crazy - and I finally snapped and called this clinic after 3 years of spending most of my spare time just resting and re-habbing my head and neck between work. I started treatments with Dominic immediately. And I am amazed to report that I haven't had a migraine since! I wish I had done it years earlier.

Dominic is pleasant, thorough, very knowledgeable and holistic in his advice, picking up on things which seem unrelated but were likely contributing to my headaches - and explains everything every step of the way. I can't recommend him highly enough.
Laura O'hearn
I have only been seeing Dominic from Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic for three weeks, but the change in my migraines has been dramatic. I have struggled with chronic migraines for over 20 years and I did not find daily medication helpful in controlling them. I wish I had known about Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic sooner as this has been a life-changing experience.
Paul Hewitt
There could not be too much praise for the services and results produced at this Centre .
I was suffering clusters of migraines and other neck pain. Went to Doctor, more medication!
Decided there has to be a better way.
Googled the Headache and Migraine Centre, met with Mattias, and Helen , a few visits and the relief was
significant . Small business could take a lesson from their efficiency as well,
Admin staff are all over everything, helping you to make appointment times that suit you.
If you had or having similar issues to mine..........Just go there .
Chimorne Bekker
Special thanks to Dominic for treating me at the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic. I have had roughly 11 sessions at the clinic and have been headache & migraine free for two weeks today. This may not seem very long, but it is for someone who experiences an attack every second day. My treatment is still ongoing, but the results are already promising.

I also have to mention that Dominic was the first specialist to notice that my C2-C3 cervical vertebrae were rotated/disturbed and recommended that we realign the vertebrae and desensitise my brain stem. This was a relief as specialists in the past have diagnosed me with anything from ethmoid sinusitis and occipital neuralgia to labelling it as “psychosomatic“.

I would highly recommend anyone suffering from migraines/headaches to arrange a consultation with Dominic.
Megan Tilley
After about 5 weeks of constant headaches, in complete desperation I contacted BHMC and within 4 sessions with Mathias, my headaches significantly reduced in severity and duration. Highly recommended!
Leo Tang
I would highly recommend Dr. Dominic who treats my migraine issue i have suffered for more than 20 years. The receptionist Helen is kindly and helpful. Nice and professional people here
Jordan Hardy
When I first booked an appointment with BHMC I was skeptical; I was in an accident a year before and suffered chronic migraines every other day. I had been told that medication was the only way to manage them until I found Mattias who explained what I had suspected and that the migraines could be managed by therapy on the neck. After seeing Mattias for a couple months I have found huge relief from the constant severe migraines. I still get them every now and then but no where near as often as before. They’re also less intense with lower durations. Mattias is super professional, friendly and keen to help where he can. He was always happy to talk through different aspects of my pain even when I’d speculate about why I’m feeling different things (as is chronic pain sufferers do). Thank you BHMC and thank you Mattias. I’ve been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
Brea Dennis
Absolutely 110% highly recommend Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic!!! I have been to many different specialists and trying all sort of different medication and was taking aspirin with panadal pretty much every day. I have been experiencing horrible headaches and all these sharp bee sting pains in and around the eyes with electric shocks around the face. I have also experienced not so pleasant neurologists who were quite rude and didn't seem to care. Doing my research, I came across these guys and the lovely Helen was such a delight over the phone and felt very welcomed. She is beautiful inside and out. I had fantastic experience with Mattias and really took the time and explained everything. Not only is he very knowledgeable and professional, but was very kind. I no longer rely on medication and can wear my favourite scents as they used to trigger pain within seconds.
I will miss them as I am moving interstate but will come see them if I'm up this way.
Do yourself a favour and checks these guys out :)
Rodrigo Villanueva
I have been attending this wonderful services for approximately 3 weeks now. Mattias has been providing treatment for "Cervicogenic Vertigo". After my 1st session I noticed significant improvement, something that no other health professional has been able to do for the past 3 plus years, I have seen separate neurologists, acupuncturist, equilibrium physiotherapist, many GP's, have been send to many head scans, have had cold and warm air in my ears, I have seen a ear, nose and throat specialist and everyone had failed to do what Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic did from the very first session, it is still early days to my recovery but I am very grateful for the treatment that I have so far received from Mattias and the team, I have been able to do simple things that in the past 3 years was impossible, otherwise I would have been very unwell and completely written off.

I would highly recommend seeking treatment from Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic, I was wrongly diagnosed a number of times, given lots of medication and I am very much looking forward and hopefully one day with the assistance of Mattias moving forward in my recovery.
Monique Finlayson
After way too many years of dealing with migraines and shoulder pain, I decided it was appropriate to go and seek another type of natural pain treatment to eliminate my pain and medication altogether - which is exactly the outcome I have received! I started seeing Ariel for my chronic migraine treatment 2 months ago and during this time my neck and shoulder are feeling great and my migraines are basically a thing of the past (If you suffer with migraines, this relief is life changing!) Ariel was able to assess me and explain her findings very simply- yet professionally! She is dedicated and takes care and time to treat and know her patients. The reception staff are lovely and efficient and the clinic is run very promptly! I will continue to visit Ariel for treatment indefinitely and highly recommend visiting this clinic if you are experiencing severe pain and would like a chance at treating it effectively!
Jeff Patterson
Bertrand provides a unique service like no other. I’ve had every headache treatment there is but there has only ever been 1-2 types of treatments that have provided positive results. The less evasive treatment that Bertrand applies results in very fast results that last. Would highly recommend this service for anyone with chronic headaches. Bertrand’s alway friendly & welcoming which makes all appointments relaxing.
Kelly Anne
Bertrand is nothing but AMAZING! I suffered from Vestibular Migraine with strong vertigo symptoms and daily dizziness for 15 years before finding Bertrand. Proper diagnosis and treatment from him has given me the most relief ever, I am medication free, and haven’t had severe vertigo since starting treatment. I am not struggling at work like I used to and I am getting my social life back. And can even have a few alcoholic drinks on a Friday night without it bringing on an attack. I train at the gym with no fatigue for days afterwards anymore. I have my life back thanks to Bertrand. Thank you so much, what you do is fantastic. The entire team from front office staff to Bertrand are friendly and helpful.
Jenny Tate
I have been suffering from haemoplegic migraines for 50 years.
Since living in Brisbane I've discovered the Migraine Clinic and Bertrand Doeuk. What a wonderful man. He started by manipulating my neck, hurt like hell but he was so gentle with soothing music playing in the background. He got me to stand straight improving my posture and before long I was standing inches taller. I go regularly and do daily exercises.
Bertrand and his team are very approachable and professional, and after 50 years he is giving me and my family my life back.
Thank you.
Tanya Winter
I went to see Bertrand at Brisbane Headache and Migraine clinic after 9 months of suffering with debilitating vertigo due to Vestibular Migraine. When I first saw Bertrand I couldn’t do simple daily tasks like going to the shops, unstacking the dishwasher or going for a walk due to the unsteadiness and dizziness from the vertigo. Now I can do all of those things, and have even been riding a bike and surfing. Bertrand is so professional, knowledgeable as well as being extremely caring, and is the definitely the person to see if you get migraines!
alice clarke
I was a chronic migraine sufferer for a long time, sometimes getting two in a week and often every week. These greatly inhibited my ability to live a normal, functioning life. I had tried all sorts of medications and, by the time I found the Headache and Migraine Clinic, I was quite desperate. After only about 6 sessions with Bertrand all headaches had stopped and I have lived for 4 years without experiencing a single migraine.
Recently I have had a couple of migraines and so have returned to the clinic. I have complete confidence that the results will be the same as before. I cannot recommend this practice more highly.
Patrick Davey
I have had migraines for the last 23 years, some bad enough to lose my sight temporarily. I tried many types of massages, physio's and chiropractors but only got temporary relief. After seeing Bertrand for 3 months and doing upper neck migraine treatment I haven't had a migraine since, even 6 months after finishing treatment. Bertrand is a friendly guy who genuinely cares about me as a patient and is happy to explain anything about treatment I'm curious about, and knows his speciality very well. His methods are researched and verifiable, and I recommend anyone who suffers from migraines go see him.
Petah Jensen
I've been seeing Ariel for just over a couple months now and i have found this treatment to be working for me. Ariel is such a wonderful lady and always makes me feel welcome and comfortable. I highly recommend her and the clinic.
Alex Envr
For 8 years I have suffered from constant symptoms relating to vestibular migraine (as diagnosed by a specialist). For the last two years my symptoms were so severe I was unable to leave my home at all.

Since commencing treatment with Bertrand at Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic two months ago, the severity of my symptoms has drastically reduced. I am now at a level of functionality where I can enjoy some recreational time with my family outside of home. As I continue with my treatment plan I am optimistic I will soon have the capacity to return to full time employment.

I strongly recommend anyone suffering from symptoms of migraine to consult with Bertrand at Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic as a first course of action.

Bertrand himself is a friendly and knowledgeable professional and I am greatly appreciative of his efforts and expertise in treating my condition. Admin staff at the Pinelands clinic are warm and welcoming which is also bonus!
Andrew Bozin
After 15 years of regular debilitating migraines and many attempts to get on top of them, I finally found Ariel at the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Centre. Within just a few months, Ariel's expertise and guidance made all the difference and I'm delighted to say I'm now migraine free. Thank you so much Ariel, I'm forever grateful! The reception staff, who are always friendly and efficient, also deserve special mention. I can't recommend the centre enough (where's the six star option Google?).

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