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General Retraction or C2 Block Retraction

Stage 2: General Retraction

Fantastic work on achieving stage 2!

Please answer the question on the sheet given by your headache clinician and bring that to your next treatment session.

Follow the video and diagrams to know how to perform General Retraction.

Stand tall with your back against the wall. Place a thick pillow between your back and the wall.

Put your fingers on the chin and apply pressure.

Imagine your head is like a filing cabinet that can only move in a pure horizontal line. The filing cabinet cannot angle upwards, or angle downwards as it will damage the bearings, or in your case will damage your cervical joints of the neck.

Follow these simple diagrams below

General Retraction_starting position (no arrow)_brisbane headache and migraine clinic General Retraction_finger placement_brisbane headache and migraine clinic
Stand tall with pillow behind back Place fingers on your chin
General Retraction_good ending position_brisbane headache and migraine clinic General Retraction_poor ending position3_brisbane headache and migraine clinic

Apply pressure onto the chin

Relax your neck muscles

Avoid resisting your pressure
General Retraction_poor ending position_brisbane headache and migraine clinic General Retraction_poor ending position2_brisbane headache and migraine clinic
Avoid tilting your head up Avoid tilting your head down

The more force you use, the more effective the exercise becomes. It is normal to feel strain around the back of your neck.

Repeat this exercise 4 times and hold it for 20 seconds. Do this 4 lots throughout the day
(morning, lunch, evening, night).

Remember to draw your head backwards in a horizontal line.

Great work! You are now on your way to recovery. Please answer the questions on the sheet given by your clinician and bring that to your next treatment session.


Stage 2: C2 block retraction

Follow the video and diagrams to know how to perform C2 Block Retraction.

Place the cervical strap around C2, then place both hands on the wall. Make sure the strap is horizontal to the ground, and stand tall.

c2-blockKeep your hands on the wall then gently draw your head backwards in a horizontal line.Make sure your head does not tilt upwards or downwards, and make sure you don’t move your body backwards.

The movement should only be coming from your head.


Draw your head backwards

Repeat this exercise 4 times and hold it for 20 seconds. Do this 4 lots throughout the day
(morning, lunch, evening, night).

Remember to draw your head backwards in a horizontal line.

Great work! You are now on your way to recovery. Please answer the questions on the sheet given by your clinician and bring that to your next treatment session.

The Assessment

Phase 1

Accurately diagnose your condition for effective treatment

The Treatment

Phase 2

Experience the latest treatment methods that are evidence-based

The Results

Phase 3

A life free from migraines or headaches is now proven possible

The Difference

Phase 4

A medication-free solution that treats the cause not the symptons

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