Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment (BPPV)
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is characterised by the sudden onset of vertigo episodes that are triggered by head movements. Vertigo is a subjective, external experience of rotational movement. This happens regardless of any input from the environment.
At the Gold Coast Headache and Migraine Clinic, we assess and find out if a sensitised brainstem and dysfunction in your upper cervical spine are the cause of your BPPV. Then we are able to treat this using our world-leading, modern techniques. If this is the case, we can start treatment immediately.
With our clinic’s groundbreaking treatment for BPPV we usually see the condition effectively treated within the first 6 sessions, as we do with 85-90% of our patients. Book an appointment today.